Thank you for choosing the EtutorStar Learning Pen.
The EtutorStar Learning Pen is a combination of the optical recognition technology and speech synthesis. It is a learning product by the latest advance digital technology.
The EtutorStar Learning Pen can be used with ‘Hao Peng You’ ‘Zhi Shi Hua Bao’ ‘Zhi Shi Bao’ and ‘New Friends’ ‘New World’ ‘New Express’ learning magazines. It can also be used with EtutorStar voice-enhance learning and reading series.
The EtutorStar Learning Pen is a great learning tool for listening, oral and reading practices. It helps to re-enforce learning and enhance language skills anytime anywhere, making language learning easier and more efficient.
The EtutorStar Learning Pen is well-designed. It is compact, lightweight, portable and easy to use. It comes with accurate pronunciation. It has built-in memory card, while supporting MP3 audio playback and music player. It helps to make learning more interactive and diversify.
The EtutorStar Learning Pen is a great assistant to parents and the best companion to children’s learning.
For more details, please browse:
EtutorStar Learning Pen is built-in with lithium battery. Connect the USB cable with the USB Port and the Adapter provided. Alternatively, you may connect USB cable with a computer for charging. The Indication light will turn red when EtutorStar Learning Pen is charging, turn blue when it is fully-charged.
Press the Power button (3 seconds) to start and you will hear a Welcome greeting.
Indication light will turn blue after the button is released to use.
EtutorStar Learning Pen can be used while charging. Press the Power button (1 second) to use when the indication light turns blue.
Press the Power button for 3 seconds to shut down and you will hear a voice prompt.
Problems | Solutions |
Automatic shutdown | Standby time exceed 3 minutes, restart to use. |
After the file is stored in non-reactive | Please check whether the file is stored in the corresponding folder. Refer 2.5. |
Cannot record | Please check whether the recording audio file is too large to store. Refer 2.5 |
Cannot power on | Please press the reset button with a needle. Charge the battery to use. |
Unable to copy file |
The sensor is not working; no audio |
易笔通学习笔,可点读2015年及之后出版的带EtutorStar编码的《好朋友》《知识画报》《知识报》/《新朋友》《新天地》《新列车》系列学生辅助学习刊物; EtutorStar有声辅助学习教材系列,以及带有EtutorStar点读编码的出版刊物。
“易笔通”学习笔采用了内置锂电池。将配置的USB线一边插入“易笔通”的Mini USB接口,另一端插入配置的充电插头,插头接入220V电源插座。或是把USB线的另一端直接连接电脑USB,通过电脑进行充电。
长按开关按键 至欢迎使用提示音响起,同时指示灯亮蓝色,松开开关按键,进入使用状态。
在工作状态下长按开关按键 3秒钟至播放结束语音,进入关机状态。
显示状况 | 检查 / 解决方案 |
自动关机 | 待机时间超过设定的3分钟,点读笔将自动关机;使用时请重新开机。 |
下载文件存入后无反应 | 音档文件是否保存在正确的MP4文件夹。 请参照2.5的说明。 |
无法录音 | 录音时间过长,导致内存不足。 请清理内存。请参照2.5说明 |
无法开机 | 请用针状物点按笔的复位键,充电后再试。 |
无法从电脑复制文件 |
点读有声书/报没有声音或朗读发音错误 |
When enabled in Settings, multi-line scanning enables you to scan multiple lines of text provided you start to scan the next line within 1 second of lifting the pen from the previous line.
Drag the tip of the pen over text to look it up in the dictionaries, hear it read out, check your own pronunciation and more.
You can scan individual letters or syllables in Pinyin, single characters, words, sentences, proverbs or titles of classical poems in Chinese, and words or sentences in English.
Press and hold the recording button and speak Chinese or English words or sentences into the microphone. When you release the button, your words will be transcribed and looked up in the dictionaries.
To study and enhance vocabulary and language skill from various sources, such as vocabulary lists from Singapore Primary School Chinese textbook Huanle Huoban, as well as popular international Chinese including YCT, HSK, GCSE, iGCSE and IB Ab Initio. Set daily goals for the number of vocabulary words you aim to study.
To test your spelling and speaking abilities, you can choose from different vocabulary lists (such as Huanle Huoban, YCT and HSK) or use your own list of favourite words.
Review and edit the list of items that you have scanned.
Review and edit the list of items that you currently have favourited.
Manage settings for WiFi and Bluetooth connections; Select interface language (English/Chinese); Select your preferred dictionary for Chinese and English text; switch between left and right-handed use, choose between British or American accent, adjust the voice speed, volume, and brightness, and turn on or off the multi-line scanning feature.
To get the full use of the audio functions, you’ll need an Internet connection.
By default, scanned text is automatically voiced. If you want to disable this feature, go to the Settings menu, select Voicing, and turn off the Voice text automatically toggle.
From time to time, the pen's software will be updated. To install the latest version, the pen must be at least 30% battery charged and connected to the Internet.
In Settings, you can choose whether to have the pen check and update automatically, or to initiate checks and updates manually.
点按【设置】(Settings),接着点按【多行扫描】(Multi-line scanning),开启多行扫描的功能开关。扫描时,请在抬笔后的1秒内开始进行一行(或多行)扫描。
点按【设置】(Settings),接着点按【发音设置】 (Voicing)。打开自动发音的开关,每次扫描的 文本内容会自动发音,关闭则不会自动发音。 自动发音的开关默认处于打开的状态。
点击进入词汇 / 短文学习应用。可选择《欢乐伙伴》、国际中文相关教纲词库 / 短文进行学习。可以自主设置每日学习量进度、计划与目标。
点击进入词汇 / 短文测评应用。可选择《欢乐伙伴》、国际中文相关教纲词库 / 短文进行听写或语音测评。
查看、学习,或编辑 / 删除扫描的内容记录。
查看、学习,或编辑 / 删除收藏的内容记录。
名称 | 性能故障 |
主机 |
说明书所列功能失效(网络原因除外) 屏幕无显示、漏显、无法开机、非正常关机、按键控制失效、 触摸屏失效、扬声器失效、麦克风失效、 扫描头失效 因结构或材料因素造成的外壳破损 |
充电线 | 无法正常给本产品充电 |
This product is covered by a one-year warranty, effective from the date of purchase. To be eligible for warranty services, please ensure that this warranty certificate is filled out with the required information and accompanied by proof of purchase when submitting the product for repair. The warranty is subject to the following terms and conditions: